Bill Detail

This page shows details of a bill selected from the All Bills page. It shows the meter the bill is for, and you can access meter details, along with current bill charges for the meter, by clicking the link in the Utility type column.

You can configure the following information for a bill:

  • Transaction number: The transaction associated with the bill

  • Bill number: The number identifying the bill

  • Old account number: The account currently associated with the bill

  • Account number: Enter a new account number to change the account associated with the bill

  • Image indent: Allows you to add the file path/URL for an image of the bill (for printing)

  • Site: The site where the meter is for this bill

  • Utility company: The company to whom the bill is to be paid

  • Vendor number: The vendor number of the company to whom the bill is to be paid

  • Bill date: The date on the bill (often the same as the due date)

  • Due date: The date payment for the bill is due

  • Date entered: The date the bill was received and/or entered in the system

  • Bill start date: The first day of the billing period for the bill

  • Billing end date: The last day of the billing period for the bill

  • Total bill amount: The total charge for the bill

  • Bill type: The energy type the bill is for (electric, natural gas, sewer, and so on)

  • Bill status: indicates the status of the bill (in review, hold payment, invoice paid, and so on)

  • Active: Indicates whether the bill is active or inactive

Save any updated made on this page. You also have the option to Delete the bill.